CMV Farms, a division of CMV Group, has recently announced it will donate $20,000 to the Mildura Health Foundation, to support the development of the Dr. Julie Zrna Centre.
As one of South Australia’s oldest privately owned family businesses, CMV Group has embedded a culture of community responsibility across all aspects of its operations, and this is powerfully demonstrated by its Staff and Group foundations which donate significant funds to community initiatives every year.
Managing Director of CMV Farms, Mr. Ryan Norton, says CMV encourages its staff to ‘give a little back’ through voluntary donations to the Staff Foundation. The Foundation, which is overseen by a committee, determines where to direct funds and each donation is matched by the CMV Group Foundation.
“The Staff Foundation has been running for many years and we have great participation through our almost -two thousand staff.
“The Foundation’s committee is entrusted with ensuring donations go to worthy causes such as foodbanks and to networks that support young families experiencing hardship,” Mr. Norton explained.
With automotive, trucking and farming divisions, CMV Group has strong links to regional and rural communities including Sunraysia, where the CMV Farms office is located. So, when CMV staff heard about the new Mildura Health Foundation and its ambition of raising funds to build an accommodation hub for rural people receiving treatment at the Mildura Health Icon Cancer Centre, they were eager to support it.
“It was something we all wanted to get involved with. Not too many of us haven’t been touched by cancer in one way or another.
“The Mildura Health Foundation ticked a lot of boxes for us – it is helping the farming communities where we are based – and it allows us to live up to the ideals of CMV; investing in people, in our communities ,” Mr. Norton said.
The Chair of Mildura Health Foundation, Mr. Terry Hill, and its Corporate Secretary, Ms. Cheryl Rix, recently met with Mr. Norton to formally thank CMV Group for its contribution to the Dr. Julie Zrna Centre.
Reflecting on the importance of corporate support such as that given by CMV, Mr. Hill said he hopes CMV’s generosity sets an example that others will follow.
“You never know when this dreaded disease is going to affect anybody, so support for our Foundation and what it is trying to achieve, is certainly very welcome and sadly, so very needed.”
Ms. Rix agreed, explaining that the accommodation hub is a large project that requires buy -in from as many individuals and organisations as possible.
“It is a five-million-dollar project, and the Foundation is working tirelessly to raise the funds, so to get corporate support is really valuable for us.”
Mr. Norton said being able to be part of the Foundation’s journey gives him ‘great joy’ and he encourages anyone who has the capacity to support it, to do so.
“It’s a great feeling to give, so if you can, do, because who knows what tomorrow will bring for any of us. “We should all try to make a positive impact when we can.”