You can make an impact
Your donation will help achieve great health outcomes for our community.
By donating to Mildura Health Foundation you are helping to support patients travelling to Mildura to access radiation treatment at Mildura Health Icon Cancer Centre.
If you wish to make a donation in person, you can visit:
Mildura Health Fund - 79 Deakin Avenue, Mildura
Mildura Health Private Hospital - 220 - 228 Thirteenth Street, Mildura
Mildura Health Icon Cancer Centre - 3 Healthscope Court, Mildura
Donations can be made in person by Credit Card or Eftpos.
Donations direct to our bank account
You can donate direct to our bank account.
Account Name: Mildura Health Foundation
BSB: 633-000
Account number: 205 337 363
If you wish to receive an invoice or receipt, please email us or contact us on (03) 5023 0269.
Other ways you can donate
A gift that makes a difference
If you're stuck on that perfect gift for a friend, family member or colleague, why not gift a gift that can make a difference. Why not make a donation as a gift to that special someone.
When a loved one passes away, you may decide the Mildura Health Foundation is a meaningful way to pay tribute to their memory. Many choose to invite funeral guests to make donations instead of flowers.
Donate in a will
By leaving a bequest to Mildura Health Foundation in your Will, you help us plan the future in confidence, ensuring we can continue to provide the best healthcare for generations to come. For further information.
Business partnerships
If your business is wanting to donate, thank you. We can develop a sponsorship package suitable for your business, where it is a once off sponsorship, an in-kind sponsorship or a regular donation.
Would you like to discuss donation options?
There is not one size fits all with donations. If you would like to discuss donating to Mildura Health Foundation, please fill out the information. If you would like to call us, please phone Cheryl Rix, Corporate Secretary on 03 5023 0269
About Our Charity
Mildura Health Foundation Limited is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission.
The principle purpose is to "acquire, construct maintain and/or operate facilities for the provision of affordable temporary accomodation on a non-profit basis, for patients being treated at the Mildura Health Icon Cancer Centre."
The principle purpose is to "acquire, construct maintain and/or operate facilities for the provision of affordable temporary accomodation on a non-profit basis, for patients being treated at the Mildura Health Icon Cancer Centre."